Monday, February 02, 2009

15 MInutes Spell

Written in a 15 minutes Spell:

On a Monday

On a Monday.
Infuriating indeed! Those computers!
They dictate when you should work, and not.
Right, I should wear a smile –
I am being paid after all.
But for just sticking around, spacing out?
That’s hard to stomach, even for a bum like me.
Even on a Monday.

- 2/2/09, 8.45 am (last edited)

The Happiness of a Secret

A hush falls over every moment,
every inspiration, as I pose
a word, an image into
a web of intricacies -
as I bathe in the happiness
of a secret.

- 2/2/09, 8.50 am (last edited)

My Handphone Doesn’t Ring

My handphone doesn’t ring.
I do pay my bill, so it’s not that.
I do have numbers of friends, loved one – aplenty
But my handphone doesn’t ring.

- 2/2/09, 8.55 am (last edited). Edited again on 3 Feb 09

A Five Minutes Poem

In a spell,
time stops,
for a moment I live
in the past.

- 2/2/09, 9.00 am (last edited)

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