I couldn't wait to watch this one, so I got myself a ticket for a seat second last from the left, on it's opening day in the cinema. I have to admit it felt kind of bland at a quarter way through, for I couldn't see where it was going. But in the end, I found it rewarding, charming and satisfying. A ride in a funfair's giant teacup, ever light-hearted and unpretentious. With a simple anime-like storyline, Takeshi Kaneshiro is his element as an offbeat Grim Reaper, who thinks that "music is the greatest invention of mankind", and struggles to understand human nature's nuances.
What I am listening to:
Masaji Watanabe's latest piano collection, "Miyabi II" from That CD shop. Soothing, sublime and a solace.
My current read:
Michael Ondaatje's "Divisadero". One can't help thinking that perhaps "The English Patient" is a masterpiece never to be overshadowed by the Canadian author himself, which this latest novel's plot seems to hint as much.
Can I marry Takashi Kaneshiro???
Hi HB, the question is: is he your right fit? haha...
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