There were some people who used to be in my life. As time passed, we grew apart. Their parts in my life's stage gradually diminishing. Then they just disappeared. Into thin air. As if they were never there in the first place. As if their absence didn't matter. But deep down, a piece of you was written, crafted in tears and laughters, into the intricacy of your heart. Just that, you never realise it.
The pencil shavings are discarded, after the pages are written.
Yes, things in life are impermanent. =) Even friends. Its usually the things which r dear to us that when they are gone, causes us most hurt and suffering. That's prolly one of the reasons why I chose to be religious.
I love this post! and picture!!
Yeah.. people gradually dissappear.. for friendships I always believe it takes work on both parts to keep people still in touch... Otherwise people have no choice and fill the void with other things or interests or new friends.. and gradually as time goes by they fully fill that void and move on....
I miss some friends I don't see often because I moved away.. I try to remember to call them up out of the blue every once in a while so that they don't move on without me :P
Here's a toast to friendship that lasts. ;)
Sometimes also, friends don't stay friends for other reasons... in that case I have always believed if one door closes that means another will shortly open up. So.. depending on how you look at things it can be positive
I guess it can't be helped. I'm missing some of the blogs that I used to read on a daily basis as well. And I ever thought of stopping blogging. Sometimes, you write so much until you start to wonder whether anyone really reads your blog. Or rather, the person whom you wish were reading your blog actually wasn't. Oh well, that's another story. Maybe I should write this as a blog post...
I'm still here. =)
Anw, stupid ppl are those that ask me BO LIAO questions. See liao feel like killing them.
nothing is eternal..and i guessed that includes friendship, maybe...
I am just a passerby anyway. :)
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