Saturday, February 17, 2007

Tale of Two Canon

Amidst the rain shredding the humid air outside the window, David Lanz's Variations on a Theme From Pachelbel's Canon in D Major (what a mouthful this is) and his other piano compositions, heighten the atmospheric pleasure of this leisurely afternoon. Flashbacks about my music pal, a friend who introduced me to the likes of Yiruma and Secret Garden, remain embedded in the David Lanz's classical remake. For we used to joust on which version is the better: David Lanz's or George Winston's. Now, I'm not versed or schooled in the tinkling box, he is. But still, I was opinionated, or arrogant, a matter of perspective. Our debate would go on and on, without any resolution. It is said that my choice, George Winston, is technically flawed. But come on, David's version is far too stretched at 9.23 minutes. Then again, what do I know.

Other memories of my music pal consist of him playing the music of David Lanz, S.E.N.S, Korean drama series's Theme songs at his house as we crowded around. God, I really miss my music pal, those yesterdays and our debate. And thanks again, pal, for Yiruma.

1 comment:

JerL said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog! Pachelbel's Canon in D is my favourite classical piece. Yeah, I've a new pal to discuss music with! :)