Thursday, October 05, 2023


I can say to be going through a rough patch in my personal life - nothing to do with the office, or my immediate family members. I have to come to term with myself in more than one way. I have also come to believe there is a time for everything. And when it is over, it is over - there is no way back and there is no point crying over spilled milk. I know, and already knew that life, being single or otherwise, is not going to be easy. And there is a purpose in life being difficult, of course: the harder it is, the harder is the lesson learned, the stronger you become. And by being stronger, it doesn't mean you will not make mistakes, or fall down, or the path will be smoother. Well, a little smoother maybe, but the point is that having seen it all - nothing much fazes you - you are more likely to take to the pain well, to rebound faster. Like when I was younger, I used to say: the show must go on. With or without fireworks. Even the calm raise of night walls, though enfeebling, opens minds in its dark suggestion of infinity.

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