Wednesday, June 28, 2023

An Emblem for Well Living

First, you must talk about the now and present. It is about living as well as you can in the present moment as we speak. Be as you are, as you want yourself to be - the best version of it, as you know it at that moment. I guess there are compromises to be made; after all, men are social animal. One of my cornerstone is to be calm at all instances, not to be overwhelmed by any one emotion. And not to hold on to any resentment for far too long, especially towards things beyond one's control. To understand one's surroundings, including happenings and people, their good and bad, so as to manage your own expectations and not to fall into any illusions. In this way, you will be at peace with yourself, in harmony with the things and people in this world. After all, we are all travellers passing through.   

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