Monday, March 15, 2021

Staying Alive

I am not too sure if I will survive my singlehood when my parents are gone and I am all alone. I am talking, of course, about the emotional part of being alone. I like to think that I have no need for intimacy. But I am only human, and as a human, I am a social animal. Yet, as human, each of us is an organism "designed" to perpetuate the species, from a physical to a mental perspective. In other words, at the very least, everyone is born to be mentally strong enough to stay alive, even as the rest of our kind disappear for whatever reason and we are the only one left behind. This also explains our egoism, that is, the thought that the world cannot go on without you or me. The fact is that, it does, and each of us is only a mote. Though of course, it is unthinkable for a human, or he is not made, to truly think himself as much as something so insignificant.


damon said...

hey hello Mrdes -

i chanced upon your page randomly when i was reading about Gilbert Koh. and i saw one of your poem that started with "There are so many things I want to do but only with you".

i like that a lot, and used it to write a song called "With you"

i want to acknowledge and thank your poem, and do let me know how I can do proper attribution in the page.

thank you! - damon

mrdes said...

Damon, thank you for your acknowledgement on your soundcloud account. I can feel your passion for your composition. All the best creating music...Cheers!