Friday, February 29, 2008

Too Late...

I had a bad day at work. Yet, you wouldn't have seen it coming, in the morning and after lunch. That's life, a low always follows a high. I can only say that fortunately I did not falter too badly. It could have been much worse. Much, much worse. Enough about that for now.

Recently, certain thoughts have been flitting in my mind, mostly encircling one subject. Some of them are incoherent, some disturbing, to say the least. I am beginning to see how crappy and callous my words, my behaviour are. Most unfitting for a man my age. I am like Peter Pan, never growing up, living in my Never-Never-Land. Wasted life, wasted time. For in the real world, the fine sand in the hourglass only flows one way. Never against the gravity of reality. Not even in my Never-Never-Land.

One question remains: Is it all too late?

I crave for the responsibility of loving someone, yet cave in at the first inkling of intimacy. I adore the word "intimacy", suggesting physical, or more importantly, mental closeness and warmth between two mature persons. Engulfing superficiality. Intimacy, a word whose real meaning I know not of.

Again, one question remains: Is it all too late?

There are seasons in my heart. It was winter late one night, at the bus stop along a popular stretch of watering holes. The cold numbing. More than sadness, loneliness. The world would have gone away in that few moments, and I wouldn't have cared one bit.

A young gal coming in from the dark, sat herself beside me. Is it all too late?


Whiskoffee said...

>>> A young gal coming in from the dark, sat herself beside me. Is it all too late?

Metaphorically, I am encountering something similar now.

Too late for you? My take is... It will never be too late for you unless you chose to believe it that way.

Time is slipping from your fingers. Instead of pondering if its all too late, why not reach out and secure what you desire now (while its still not too late)?

Consider this...

Anonymous said...

it's never too late to learn ... likewise, it's never too late to love