I truly wish that I could blog more often, but against everything I have foreseen, I am turning into a person I hate to be: someone I call a Desktop Slave. I might as well sleep overnight in the office - going home only to drop dead into bed before going to work next morning is such a chore and a real nuisance. It is not that I am even pocketing obscene sums for early retirement to play golf all day long, or to travel the world a few times over.
I have a sudden impulse to leave this country for another one where I could live a simple life, watch the sunrise and sunset, and occasionally fish in the sea or hunt in the jungle for food. I will have my collection of books with me then. And there must be cable showing EPL. Alright, maybe cable is tall order, but I will not compromise on internet access.
Go stay in that kinda place for 1 week and u'll feel like dying.. haha
haha...I know what you mean...
Of cos u do. U don't think city kids like us can really get used to "the simple life" right? hehe
the simple life?
what simple life? =p
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