Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fiction: Love Hurts

A whiff clears, a forlorn face in the mirror. Torn from his dreams, teary remnants in puffy eyes, he sees her again. A wisp of lustrous hair falls, crimson glossy lips curve in adoration; a fluffy hand skims over and rests on his bare shoulder.

And then she is gone. As she has come.

Only another dream. Blurry-eyed. Ice cold water runs from the faucet through his palms, freezes, quivers, as hands cup face.

Dribbles. Silvery on pores, on brows. Are they tears? Wash off pain. In a deluge, it comes, yet never really go away.

She is always here. In his heart, all around. Love was good, yet now...love hurts.

PS: Started writing this in my mind, while listening to Yiruma's Love Hurts, on a bus ride home...

1 comment:

(T) (H) (B) said...

Love is 五味杂成... A mix of everything..