Saturday, September 01, 2007

Philosophical Bullshit II

As science progresses, we know more about the universe, the human body and their relations and functions. Thus, the line blurs between human and machine when every part of one can be defined, broken down.

Yet seriously, what makes us human? Dare I suggest in random order: our moral values, consciousness of self, our individual identity made up of our unique experiences and memories, and the emotions bundled, entwined in contradictions and conflicts. There is no coincidence in their intangibility.

Without moral values, well, let me put it this way, the human world would end before any deadly flu virus or major calamity hit it. A man without his soul (I propose dualism as reference) is a devil in disguise, I say. The fact that intellectual and artistic pursues would mould characters, teach the appropriate value systems - provided, with the right application - seems to reaffirm this point. With which, humans are bound by respect, integrity and a sense of responsibility to mankind, to society. Yet, the decadence of our age (then again, when has it started?) has but eroded our creator's perfect arrangement for continuance of life form. The irony is that this falling from grace is propelled by the hidden desire of humans for perfection, thus also for self-destruction. As a matter of fact, the whole purpose of evolution is but a perpetual exercise of perfecting the human species. What makes us would eventually break us, I think.

Like I used to say, the world would be perfect if you put away the humans. Emotions are our greatest flaws, foggy lens that cloud our judgement and distort the direct path to truth, to clearness. Yet, it is what makes us human. The last frontier to perfection, I think, would be our treatment of love, a device of emotions. Alas, how blindly we follow our heart. Machines can't love, you see. Nothing is more complicated and intricate than emotions, I like to think.

There may come a future, when all our body parts are manufactured. Now, how human can that be?

PS: I understand how all these would be mind-boggling, so to simplify things:

Perfection (thus evolution) = Declining love (emotions) + Decadence.

For the first instalment of this series, click here.

1 comment:

Whiskoffee said...

Through love, we have life. We are perfected in love, and not the opposite.