Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Love is all Around

All in a day’s work: It is great satisfaction having done all that is necessary for the day. But I’m not often that conscientious, I admit.

Behind closed door, loneliness hangs in the air. I have deliberately left my laptop on to play the MP3 files, one by one. Love songs mostly, all proclaiming the sadness of lost or wasted love, romanticising it. That is how a singleton spends his Monday’s night – how pathetic. I even miss evening class. Soon, soon, I tell myself, this Thursday. Then Friday comes with our monthly Toastmasters meeting. I look forward to it. Really do. Then what: a wedding dinner on Sunday. My superior’s son is getting married. Her future daughter-in-law’s name: Cynthia. How nice, the name. I like the name, for obvious reason, and others. We have still to decide on the amount for the red packet. Is it really necessary, you ask? Of course, it is very necessary. In this age, we have to keep a close tap on our wallet. Ja called, sounding sweet. Apparently, HM contacted her regarding the meeting. How sweet, I thought, he remembers her. And she seemed to get all excited. Two hearts beat faster, when closer, if they are meant to be together. I am not surprised if they explode into fireworks that light up the evening sky. I will be watching. Go, go, HM! Go, go, Ja! Now, this is really lame. Pardon me, I am just entertaining myself. Shall I dance? Lately, I have a feeling that love is all around...


(T) (H) (B) said...

Love is.. Depends on when it falls on u only... =)

Anonymous said...

HB: Hmmm...
