Sunday, November 12, 2006


These are incomplete entries, due to exhaustions, or simply laziness...

A Fruitful Sunday: 29 Oct 06...

It all seems destined that I have to blog. A Sunday spent at the Singapore Botanic Gardens and a late afternoon swim, left me all but a two-hours nap as an aftermath.

Reading broadened one's horizon. In my case, the subject: Kawabata's The Old Capital, which is more an elegy than a novel. In it, amidst lamenting the loss of pre-war Japan, the reader is brought into a journey of its beauty: the gardens, the temples, the culture and art of Kyoto, such as the making of Obi. The lush green of trees, the freshness of new shoots and buds in spring add to a perfect picture of the Botanic Gardens after the departure of the Americans.

Our sunny island, being situated about the equator, has been deprived of the true beauty of nature - the four seasons. The all-year-round humid climate seems also to restrict the type of trees and plants we have, mostly from the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. There was the palm tree with a red crownshank, that easily caught my attention, and no wonder so, with it being drawn into the logo of the gardens.

Strange Thoughts on a Rainy Day I: 10 Nov 06...

I had a busy day at the office as the rain poured and thunder roared right about lunchtime. The manager, Hitler's Young and the immediate boss, The Schemer/Screamer, both had interesting, intellectual, separate discussions with me - work-related, of course. The Schemer/Screamer especially, she made me felt my opinion is appreciated, almost as much as I respected hers. It all sounds so fictional, I know. Tons of paperwork piled up on my desk; the legs might just give way. And The Schemer/Screamer was not far behind, struggling.

The clock's hands swiftly moved past knocking off time, which became overbearing, screaming: "You are a joke for working so hard for such meagre salary!" So up I picked my FX Creation bag, off I went, leaving my fellow comrades of the desktop slaves behind. The Schemer/Screamer looked straight ahead at the monitor as I placed the office keys on her tray. Somehow I just knew what was on her mind: you still owe me something, you know? But she acted mute, and I acted blur, so let's call it quit. I just felt I needed a break, having often worked late in recent weeks.

...Or Perhaps, I am just incomplete...

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