Saturday, September 30, 2006

等 寂寞到夜深
夜已渐荒涼 夜已渐昏暗
莫道你在选择人 人亦能选择你
公平 原没半点偏心
* 苦涩 慢慢向著心里滲
何必抱怨 曾令醉心是谁人
自愿吻別心上人 糊涂换来一生泪印
何故 明是痛苦伤心
还含著笑裝开心 今宵的你可憐还可惘
目睹她远去 她的脚印 心中会永印
糊涂是你的一顆心 他朝你将无穷的后悔

A timeless Cantonese number, which nevertheless reflects the moments of loathing and pangs of gulit all self-inflicted for my predicament. Then again, what is life without regrets. I have made the choices, it's time to move on.

1 comment:

(T) (H) (B) said...

Life is full of regrets and it's up to u to decide if u want to think if it is one..