Thursday, March 23, 2006

Much, much later...

The paralysing sandstorm of emotions has gradually receded, to lend me sight to a forking track of life's paradox. The wind of inevitable change gifted me the pleasure of awakening to the sweet, innocent scent of love, with which the instinct shaped to shelter a mating bird into my humble nest of a heart built with happiness. Alas! Is summer here too soon? - Before the rain of spring had barely left the leaves with heavenly tears of rainbow colour, before the sunflowers had truly mastered their spells of dance in the wind. Like a scarred hare, I retreated into my hole where things are familiar and I am unafraid.

What I meant to say is: One of life's greatest paradoxes is having the deepest desire to care and give all your love to one person, yet running away at the slightest hint of responsibility, of maturity and the need for commitment. I rather be like Peter Pan, never having to grow up in Never-Never Land, but yet...*sigh*

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