Sunday, January 01, 2006


2005 had come and gone. As I prepare to open another chapter in 2006, some reflection is well deserved…

It had been an eventful year, I must say. Other than Liverpool’s victorious march to the UEFA Champions league title, my passion for writing and reading has blossomed, and I am enjoying every minute of it. A few friends, romantic acquaintances were made and lost. No regrets. Add to that, the joy my job provides becomes more evidenced – I took pride and satisfaction in its value and the fact I am helping others. Near the end of the year, a colleague even commented that I looked like in semi-retirement, enjoying my life – even my studies, at times, was pure ecstasy. Another went aghast when I mentioned I study to broaden my horizon, not for the money.

I have grow - both physically (no, not vertically, but horizontally), mentally, I guess. I had, at times, struggled with loneliness, until I learned to let it passed me by like most other emotions. In that sense, I feel stronger. I revelled in others’ company whenever possible, and the time I put aside for myself was exhilarating. I arrived at a phase where I don’t, and would never need another human being to justify my existence, to spell out my identity. I am what I am, and that is more than enough. I was truly exalted to meet Cynthia in a Toastmasters meeting. Telling her my feelings was worth the bitter pill I swallowed from the revelation of her martial status. I feel fortunate, if only to breathe, to be able to see the beauty of life under the sun, in the flowers and the goodness of people. Blogging came into my life, opening up my world with eruptions of magical moments which I put into words, thus into memories.

Welcome! 2006…

With drum roll, the red carpet is rolled out…

And 2005 becomes only passing...


Anonymous said...

lol. It's funny how you die hard Liverpool fans will always remark about the Champion's League title always being one of the highlights of the year.

Miu said...

Walk on.. walk on.... and you'll never walk alone.....