Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bitten by the Flu Bug...again?

One day before my big day - my exam, that is - and I am down on my luck, down with a flu. Perhaps, all is predestined. Perhaps all things initated from my mind, serving as excuses for fluffing this round. But this is no life crisis, I have been through enough to know that.

Voted for mb today as best Asian blog. Will do the same for ourmaninhanoi tomorrow. Call me sentimental, but his heartfelt blog is a delight. I realised that I have a preference for blogs that are extremely wacky, thus entertaining (like mrbrown or kennysia), yet conceal a social message (perhaps subconsciously?) or demonstrate some unique cultural background or lifestyle (like Singlish). Either that, or it is bloggers like OLT or ourmaninhanoi - diary-like, about the simple things in life and direct from the heart - that catch my fancy. A pity that kennysia is not nominated (perhaps it's his vulgarities that some are clueless about?), a mockery that xiaxue is now second in place behind mb. Perhaps I am only too self-righteous and too much of a nag for her style? Can't be that, OLT is about 24, I think. Or perhaps, it is a simple case of substance over form. No offence to anyone.

PS: Now, I am absolutely convinced my non-exercising life-style is the main cause of my frequent battles with flu. I have sacrificed my swimming, jogging routines for my studies.

1 comment:

mrdes said...

haha...IT IS a compliment...don't complicate things