Thursday, August 18, 2005


I holed up in my room, planning a relaxing time after going through a few exhausting evenings - studying, club meeting and movie appreciating - when it hit me. The senseless television programme rattled on - utterly without my comprehension - when I closed the mind's door behind reality and entered the realm of gratification. In this new found world - a reflection of my emotional needs - I sat not alone in my room. My love cuddled up beside me, arm touching arm. There wasn't much to do, but I was contented, very contented just being with her. And I expounded this with my smirk. She caught me looking at her, and almost sneered at the simplicity of my definition of happiness. Half teasing about my sloppiness, she nudged me to take my bath. Half protesting in jest, I expressed my wish for just a few quiet moments with her. Her obligating smile peppered with shyness, betrayed her tender heart and her soft spot for my honeyed words. With that, we parted and my room with her faded away, allowing reality and emptiness to sink in. I sat alone again in my room, suffused with a sense of painful loss and grave silence. I just sat there for a whole five minutes, took my bathing towel, and turned up all puffy with tears, as the steaming water from the shower head cut into the tautness of the skin on my shoulders.

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