Saturday, August 20, 2005

Infatuation and Temptation

I know more and more about her, little by little. The protagonist of this posting is the girl with the silver earrings, who truly brightened my day, or rather, my evening - not with torchlight or anything like that, but with her mere presence. She really loves to talk, I tell you, at times breathlessly, at times gesturing wildly with her hands. So much so that she couldn't wait for me to tell her about me or to ask her more; she just ranted on and on. She used to love swimming - just like me - although she very seldom stepped out of the house nowadays.

She is going on a holiday to Thailand - very much her first time going anywhere, she reflected. I am not sure how much I like the words, "first time". Especially, when she sounded less than excited, and even showed a little apprehension about the trip. Then again, it is also natural to have some doubt treading the unknown. An "overseas holiday" may just be as alien to her as ET is to Earth - hear about it all the time but never actually experience it, and you have to experience it to believe it. I tried my best, I think, to assure that she would enjoy it and after which crave for more. The word "guarantee" was on the tip of my tongue, I dare say. Maybe it is the destination that she find unattractive. She obviously does not have the slightest fondness or even curiosity for it. But I know soon she will and the temptation to go for even more holidays will be too hard to resist.

It was only after I got home that I realised that I had yet passed up on a chance to get her Handphone number - our exam results are coming out and I would not know hers till two weeks later. Silly old me, how long will it takes me to learn. She may be scratching her head and thinking the same thing. And mind you, there isn't any infatuation here. But I admit, I was truly tempted and I still am.

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