Tuesday, August 22, 2023

My Story for Now

I think I need to relax more, draw more joy, from my time spent at the office. Easier said than done, for someone like me. For firstly, I am the kind of person who I think works better when fully in focus - either that or I get rather careless. And I can be led by the nose by my environment, that is, I run when I am surround by runners, and I read when I am around readers. It is rather simple if you think about it, how I am driven to do things. Not that I think it is a bad thing, but on the contrary, it allows me to blend in, to feel a sense of purpose being part of a bigger scheme. It is like there is a time for everything, and a place for everything. And this thinking suits me like glove to hand for someone who is comfort with a regimented life - as much as I like to embrace change. Though, it stops itself from becoming an austere life that straitjackets every last breath. But that is a story for another day.

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