Monday, April 29, 2019

In the Mood for Diary

Dear Diary,

Every day is a busy day. Not just because I want them to be busy. It comes as a habit - keeping myself busy, mind and body. I learned this quite a while ago now: To have a happy life, filled your life with passion. Passion as in hobbies or things that you feel passionate about. And to be busy, you need to plan ahead. No plan, no chance. So I am planning for an evening run after a presumed busy working day tomorrow. A relaxing swim on Wednesday - a public holiday. Night class on Thursday after work. A rest day on Friday - typically tired out after Thursday night's exhaustion. Then, it is back to a run on Saturday, and an attendance of a local soccer league match at the stadium. Planned on going back to reading a novel, after not doing so for some times - it was poetry after poetry these days. There is also an itch to relieve, which will be done on Friday, or Sunday, depending on my body condition. Yup, this is how I spend my days. And of course, writing poetry is a huge time eater. So keep feeding. A hope sits deep in my heart that Liverpool will win the league title this year. But my mind tells me that Manchester City will just about nip it.    

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