Saturday, December 29, 2018

Ugly Truths

Time has ripen. Thoughts overflow. So here comes the words...

Be humble. Really, be humble. Listen more than talk. Really. Firstly, no one, including myself, wishes to hear ugly truths about himself. Yes, truths are ugly, no matter how you see it. And yes, truths are ugly even to your loved ones or best of friends when spoken to them, or are about them, coming from your mouth. Without truths, there are only lies, or untruths. So, you get yourself into situations where you turn into a hypocrite, or are one - what is the difference. That is why I always say it pays to be a hypocrite in our society. In fact, it is the single, ultimate survival skill - winning friends over, getting things done in your favour with a tiny bit of flattery, et cetera. Then again, perhaps I am wrong - perhaps it pays to be silent. No, to be true to yourself, to your loved ones or friends, you can't be silent. Especially when facing the ugly truths in their bare forms put them in the best positions to learn from their mistakes. Especially when the mistakes are theirs, not others - that is where the blind spots usually are. In that way, and in the only way to move on, they have to learn from their mistakes (if any, that is). If not, all will be in vain.

There is a saying that sometimes, it is better or easier to talk to a stranger about your intimate things, or problems. Perhaps by doing so, it is a sign of emotional weakness - you lack the courage to get closer to the ugly truth. Much like believing in a religion to disbelieve in death - which sounds like the masterpiece of hypocrisy. That is, coming from an atheist.

There is another saying that looking through the eyes of an atheist, the world would seem to be more "real". An atheist sees the ugly as ugly - much like how he sees death. But he doesn't blink.

Still, all in all, it is advisable to be silent. For not everybody thinks like an atheist, and it would take ages to explain the complexity of it all. And I am pretty sure one can learn from mistakes in more than one way. If not, all will be in vain. So an atheist is a hopeful being, after all.

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