Thursday, October 08, 2015

Holiday / Stamp


You have never listened
to silence so carefully.
She speaks only of peace.
Her language comforting,
hugs a calm heart.

Sometimes she sings a song
if you listen closely,
as if spring has never gone.
You can taste it in the wind:

the sweetness of yesterdays comes
around and the brightness of the day
flaps like gaudy laundry
adorning the next block's windows.

P.S.: This one is for the holiday. Do you hear silence?


There are many uses
for stamp.
You send your love
to ride a thousand miles,
and she returns yours
to stamp two worlds one.

In one room two worlds
stamp. Mother says,
“my eyes must have been glued
with stamps!”,
sending her love
to ride a thousand miles

P.S.: I actually think this isn't strong enough, but it gathers quite a lot of "like" after I posted it on a facebook forum. Stranger things have happened though.

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