Sunday, March 01, 2009

An Update IV

I've been writing in my little black book, which rather explains my absence from these tableaux of words all dressed up. A brief update of what I've been indulging in: poetry, as in Mark Strand's brilliant "Blizzard of One" (not that I understood every poems written in it.), movies, as in the emotionally charged "The Reader", the anti-ageism drama "A Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and the funny-like-an-anima "K-20", and I started running a route from Rifle Range Road to MacRitche Reservoir and from my house to Bontanic Garden. And now I'm re-reading "The Reader" after ten years.

Otherwise, thoughts about death, individuality, existence without a partner to make me a better man, swam in a choppy sea.


(T) (H) (B) said...

So many books on earth and you can re-read... Power man..

Anonymous said...

is K-20 worth watching?

mrdes said...

Hi HB,

yap, kind of silly of me, don't you think. But the reason, other than the movie, was because I didn't quite understand it the first time, much better:)

Hi enqi,

I was telling my friend that it was more than worth the ticket price!:)