Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just a Dream...

I woke with a silly dream this morning. A dream about Joi Chua. No, not one of those that leaves your bedsheets soaked. I was in a CD store, surprised to find Joi Chua's newest CD album on the shelf and myself in a dilemma: should I wait for the second version with MV? Like I said, it's a silly dream: of course, I will download it first! Yeah right, who's kidding who. If there is one thing I learn, there are instances in life where rationale has no place. Just like in a dream...

P.S.: More than 12 months into the release of "Joi Blessed", I am still hanging on to every note. I think it's funny that her music company is not striking while the iron is hot with a swifter follow-up.


(T) (H) (B) said...

I know u love her but... she really isn't that striking hot la...

mrdes said...

haha...where you learn to play with words like that? Must be from reading my blog:P