Friday, June 27, 2008

Break Free

I think I had just hit a new low at work. Enough about that. Anyway, I went for some retail therapy involving some comfort buys of second-hand books at five bucks for a total of three books. The titles at the stall were great I thought, my ultimate choice was namely Hermann Hesse's Narcissus and Goldmund (which I have read - what, almost a year ago? - and yet always thought of doing it again some day), Michael Ondaatje's In the Skin of a Lion and Anita Shreve's The Pilot's Wife.

Now, the problem is I have more books on my desk than time to match. I am thinking of a break from my daily routine, find a isolated corner with good drink and ambience to engross myself in the pages, fictional and unreal.

An old song suddenly leaps into my realm:"I want to break free...". You know, that one with that BP advertisement ages ago? Well, it seems ages ago...

1 comment:

(T) (H) (B) said...

I know that song!