Monday, March 03, 2008

Leftovers in the Fridge

Back from night class, so hungry that I'd swallow an elephant whole. There were some leftovers in the fridge - of a birthday cake. I took some, and was reminded of my nieces, nephews and sisters and brother-in-laws jumping out of the dark. A game for the kids. That was Saturday.

As I went about my day, I asked myself: what's the significance of birthdays? I know only of the joy of having your loved ones and family around. And I'm truly blessed.

A year older today, and perhaps a year wiser, or surely I hope so...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you. They are important to me, a journey around the sun & excuse to be with family.

JerL said...

Hey, Happy Birthday!!! You're surely wiser this year!!! And stay happy always!

Whiskoffee said...

hapi belated bday

mis_nomer said...

Happy birthday mrdes! Wishing a blessed year ahead.