Saturday, February 16, 2008

Post-dated: A Riddle

Now, I know I'm not going to sleep tonight until I solve this riddle...

You've to get to a town, but don't know it's exact location and now face a forked road. One track stands a red man who always lies, on the other track stands a green man who always speaks the truth, but you can't distinguish the colours of the men.

You're allowed to ask one of the men, a yes-no question inorder to know which track to take.

I seriously don't know the answer at this point, though I believe I'm close...

My conjecture:

I ask either man, "is the other man lying if he says that the route to the town is through his track?"

A) If I happen to ask the green man on the correct track?

And he says yes, that the other man is lying if he says that the route to the town is through the other track. Makes sense, because the other man has to be red.

A "yes" answer = the man you ask is on the correct track.

B) If I happen to ask the green man on the wrong track?

And he will say "No", that the other man is not lying if he says that the route to the town is through his track.

This hypothesis is wrong because both can't speak the truth (ie. he can't say "No")

C) If I happen to ask the red man on the correct track?

He will say "Yes". Because he is a red man, he lies that the other man (green man) is lying if he says he stands at the correct track. (I've serious doubt about this one.)

A "Yes" answer = the man you ask is on the correct track.

D) If I happen to ask the red man on the wrong track?

He will say "No". But because he lies, the correct answer must be yes, meaning "the other man (the green man) is lying if he says that "the route to the town is through his track." But the green man can't lie and he is on the correct track.

This hypothesis is wrong because the green man is on the correct track, and he don't lie. Thus The red man will not say "No"

My conclusion: Therefore, if the answer is "Yes", the man you ask is on the correct route. If the one you ask is silent, just switch to the next track for the correct route. And both men can't say "No".

Am I even making any sense here? Never mind, I'm tired. It's time for bed anyway.

Saturday, 0300 AM (about that, I think)

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