Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I like to think I am calmer nowaday - in my office, that is. Seeing office politic at work used to piss me off, well, not anymore. Office politic, in my opinion, if uses appropriately, sparingly, promises a shiny shield for protection, more than a sharp sword in hurting others. Now, why do I need to hurt people, when I can focus on taking care of my own business?

Like I use to say, there is only greyness in our world - nothing is black or white, nobody is as good as he seems and vice versa. Although I still drop into occasional silence of depression, the signs of "leave me alone!" all up and blinking bright. And there is that emotional outburst a few weeks back, which had HY, my manager, fully on my side. I am blessed, I guess, for all the support I get. I have moles with eyes and ears here and there, and a superior who realises I would stand by her, no matter what. Of course, circumstances do change - we always have to keep that in mind.

PS: Hmm...considering whether to create a label for office politic. Not that I can claim to be an expert...

PS II, much, much later: Wtf. I think this has got to be one of my worst posting ever...no focus, no idea, what was I thinking?

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