Gosh, how I wish to be different like those two in black and colourful pony tails. The reason I have not been blogging: I just feel so ordinary, as if nothing is worth crowing about in my life. Then again, this is Singapore, where ordinary people without dreams live their ordinary lives. Most just work for a paycheque to finance his offspring through a stressful education system, if fortunate enough, to see him attain a Doctorate. There is also the risk of our kids ending up in Woodbridge*, going by escalating figure. Well, at least, it seems that way.
My favourite place to while time away is the library. Why? Because books offer me keys. You open doors to different eras, different lives, savouring emotions and experiences above obscurity. I submerge myself into each character, travel the world with each page, only to return to this earthly air with a thud. Reality sucks - no doubt about that. But each day promises new hope and possibility. In this way, I could be living the dream of an ordinary person, as a few of many chapters in a novel yet to be finished.
*A local mental institute
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