Sunday, July 16, 2006



多一秒世界 就會被淹沒
你還像個巨人 緊緊擁抱我
離開你變得 渺小的自我
很想從此就 卑微的渡過


站在時間面前 沒法撤退
我們像兩顆 告別的塵灰
記得擁抱時 天地有多美
記得沒有誰 能將這摧毀
尋覓頁愛 跌進人山人海
才發現沒有線索 可倚賴

不管我們之間什麼 距離

The lift stopped at 6th floor, and I could feel my heart fluttering. Then she appeared. Cynthia. My Cynthia - with a wide grin, eyes twinkling, shoulder-length hair tied back. The smile still as captivating. I smiled too, a little awkwardly. The lift soon reached the ground floor; I held the button for the crowd to exit. I watched her slender back as the office workers dispersed. Hesitation. Should I walk beside her?

I remember clearly it was also after work the last time we talked. We walked across the overhead bridge then, before going our separate ways - she, to the bus terminal heading for home; me, to the library. This time, she slowed to a crawl, as if waiting, without turning her head back. I caught up effortlessly. We talked; she was amiable. It almost hurt. We were like old friends; as if I never wrote her the letter, and she never knew. We realised for the first time that we attended the same private school on different day, which left us with more common topics. I almost tripped: my shoe sole sliding off the side of the cement path onto the grass as she gasped in concern. She almost tripped, on the small steps before the terminal. I reached out my hand like cushion as her smile turned sweeter for my attentiveness. Even though I was not needed.

Our bus arrived, almost too soon. She was meeting her hubby; I had my night class. Same direction, different destination. At least I had these fleeting moments to savour for life. I felt too exalted even to believe that everything actually did happen.

...還是愛著你. 只是我們之間有了距離. 遠遠愛著你, 就算不能夠再靠近, 同樣的天空下總會有你.

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