Thursday, July 06, 2006

6th July 2006

6th July 2006 marks a depressing day for all bloggers. More specifically, all Singaporean bloggers. Or perhaps, all Singaporean...

I was an avid reader of mrbrown's column in Today newspaper and religiously read his blog. No, not entirely because he makes jokes out of the Gahmen. No, not that finger pointing, or a scapegoat is needed for our high cost of living. It is simply for the awareness of our society (to feel the "pulse" of this city), the "inquiring" mentality that he puts into our heads (as thinking adults) and of course, his acute sense of humour.

Seriously, we all know he is a HUMOUR COLUMNIST!!! He is supposed to be funny in a "serious newspaper". He breathes on satires, criticisms of society norms and basically anything under the sun that concerns the heartlanders; all which Gahmen's policies, to various degree, obviously shapes. Who in the world is not concerned about the high cost of living, especially in Singapore, you tell me? And that can't be more real for a family with autistic child in the lower income group, as mrbrown has so graciously pointed out.

In fact, the Gahmen should be thankful to a unique talent for his feedback and alert on the thoughts of its citizens, which at the very least, is valuable for scoring points in the next election. But hopefully the feedback would be used by the policy-makers to serve the citizens better. That could be priceless.

I am still cracking my head: when does it become mandatory that feedback requires a solution from the initiator? Please enlighten me, anyone out there? For God's sake, mrbrown is a columnist, not a politician!! Hello!! The problems may require a closer look at some policies - which is still the job of the politicians. And he has not made it worst. It is the attitude of hard-line denial and the authoritarian stance shown by the press secretary that is cause for concern. They rather have the general public as immature, non-thinking (also non-questioning), thus law-abiding people. Once again, I am attempted to conclude that politic is never about what is good for the people, but all about power - the same reason the big boss demanded a clean sweep in the parliament.

By killing off one mrbrown in the press media, a hundred more will flourish in the blogosphere, which is not so bad in this case, I think. Look at the comments in The seeds of discontent had truly been sowed....

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